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Vocational Training

Looking for an exciting start in Publishing / Media?

At Springer, Germany, we pride ourselves in this high status, long-standing tradition. Every year we look for energetic, independent and communicative school graduates from across the country who are ready to take on responsibility and to develop their skills in daily contact with customers and colleagues.

What we are looking for

  • Your drive and passion
  • Independent Thinking
  • School Graduate (Abitur / Mittlere Reife) with final mark of “very good” or “good”
  • Available from 1st of September. The selection process always takes place in the first quarter.
  • Interest in training in the following ...

What we offer

Medienkaufmann/frau Digital und Print (Commercial Media)

They work in a project-oriented and customer-oriented manner. Training focus areas include Sales, Marketing, Advertising, Copyediting / Editorial, Graphic Design / Production, Finance and Electronic Media. In all areas you will actively contribute to daily business, allowing you to gain well-founded expertise in the development of our products without neglecting sales-related aspects.

You can find more information on this type of career at:

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Media Designer Digital and Print

Those working in Media Design Digital and Print are responsible for the design and layout of interactive and printed informational materials such as websites, brochures, advertising flyers and newspapers.

Media designers’ careers are characterized by a synthesis of technology and creativity, while a mastery of the programs and production processes used forms the foundation.

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Kaufmann/frau im Groß- und Außenhandel (Wholesale and International Trade)

These young professionals are trained at the Springer Customer Service Center and serve as competent contact partners for our customers in Germany and abroad. They ensure a smooth flow of goods, monitor logistics processes, coordinate deliveries and assume logistical duties entailed by book fairs and exhibitions. Accounting / Controlling, Marketing / Sales and Personnel comprise further training areas.

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Kaufmann/frau für Bürokommunikation (Office Communications)

This training program conveys multi-facetted qualifications in the areas of organization and administration. Through a focused familiarization with modern communication and computer systems, combined with the acquisition of commercial expertise, the basis for independent work is created, allowing candidates to later work in a number of different departments.

For more detailed information on the respective training careers and their requirements, please refer to the current listings on our job listings page.

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Fachinformatiker/in der Fachrichtung Anwendungsentwicklung

Fachinformatiker/innen der Fachrichtung Anwendungsentwicklung arbeiten an technischen Konzepten und deren Umsetzung und entwickeln anwendungsgerechte Bedienoberflächen. Mithilfe von Tests verschiedener Desktopapplikationen und mobiler Apps sind sie für die Weiterentwicklung  und Qualitätssicherung verantwortlich und verbessern so auch die bereits bestehenden Anwendungen. Die Ausbildung findet am Standort Regensburg statt und die theoretischen Inhalte werden im Blockunterricht beim BSZ Staatliches Berufliches Schulzentrum in Wiesau vermittelt.

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