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World Journal of Urology is a comprehensive resource for developments in basic and clinical aspects of urology.

  • It publishes essential results of urological research with practical and clinical relevance.
  • Most issues include invited review articles on a chosen topic, alongside additional papers on other subjects.
  • The journal maintains a balanced program reflecting advancements in all fields of urology.
  • It is supported by a world-renowned Editorial Board, ensuring a swift and rigorous peer review process.
  • Editors-in-Chief
    • Alexandre de la Taille,
    • Thomas R. W. Herrmann
    Journal Impact Factor
    2.8 (2023)
    5-year Journal Impact Factor
    3.1 (2023)
    Submission to first decision (median)
    9 days
    1.1M (2024)

    Call for papers

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    Journal information

    Electronic ISSN
    Print ISSN
    Abstracted and indexed in
    2. BFI List
    3. BIOSIS
    4. Baidu
    5. Biological Abstracts
    6. CLOCKSS
    7. CNKI
    8. CNPIEC
    9. Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS)
    10. Current Contents/Clinical Medicine
    11. Dimensions
    12. EBSCO
    13. Google Scholar
    14. INIS Atomindex
    15. Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
    16. Medline
    17. Naver
    18. Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
    19. OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
    20. Pathway Studio
    21. Portico
    22. ProQuest
    23. SCImago
    24. SCOPUS
    25. Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
    26. Semantic Scholar
    27. TD Net Discovery Service
    28. Wanfang
    Copyright information

    Rights and permissions

    Editorial policies

    © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

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