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International Criminology - Join the conversation

Despite being just over two years old, International Criminology generates lots of conversation on social media. In particular, our Twitter presence is robust: as of mid-April 2023, Altmetric has picked up 743 tweets about International Criminology content, from 341 unique tweeters in 33 countries. 

Our main Twitter handles are @SpringerCrim and @IntlCriminology - and don't forget @ASDIC, the handle of our affiliated ASC Division of International Criminology.

 We hope you will join the conversation: just be sure to include a link to the article you're discussing, even if it's a shortened version. Let's talk International Criminology!

It's heartening to see International Criminology's data-driven research being invoked in the mainstream press. For instance, in June 2022 an article in The Michigan Daily (this opens in a new tab) wove in findings from "Executive Clemency During the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Global Analysis of Law and Practice (this opens in a new tab)" and a piece from The Conversation (this opens in a new tab) cited and built upon "COVID-19 Conspiracies, Trust in Authorities, and Duty to Comply with Social Distancing Restrictions (this opens in a new tab)" - a relevant, resonant, and Open Access article that starred in 3 press articles, a blog post, a policy document, and 19 Tweets (and counting). 
