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Springer Nature: SN Computer Science

With the endeavor to be a journal of, for, and by the community SN Computer Science offers partnerships with departments, labs, centres, institutes and universities for their peer reviewed journal issues.
Conferences can take advantage of  the options for publication of a peer-reviewed journal track or having a journal association with the conference by publishing best, extended papers.

Contact for details.

Journal cover: SN Computer Science

 SN Computer Science is a new peer review journal supported by a distinguished international board that encompasses all aspects of computer science. The journal publishes original research as well as relevant hardware, and/or software architectures, survey and review articles.

Editors-in-Chief Erol Gelenbe, FACM, FIEEE, FRSS, FIET and Umapada Pal, FIAPR invite you to submit your research to Springer Nature Computer Science.
 Learn more from the editors' welcome message

To help ensure a wide readership for the journal, all articles will be freely available to read until the end of 2021