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MyPublication - Frequently Asked Questions

For the majority of Springer’s journals we have established an online workflow called MyPublication. It guarantees the most efficient journal production. Once an article has been accepted, the corresponding author is guided through this workflow to stay informed and easily manage all administrative tasks of the publishing process.

What happens after my article has been accepted?

While the manuscript files are handed over to production for data processing and typesetting, you (being the corresponding author) will stay in touch with us through MyPublication. There you will be asked whether you wish to:

  • Publish your article open access with Springer’s Open Choice option (if the journal is not a fully open access one).
  • Transfer the copyright of your article (if you don’t publish open access).
  • Order printing of figures in color.
  • Order paid offprints in addition to your free (electronic) offprint.

A short while after completing the My Publication questionnaires, you will receive the article’s proofs.

How does the process work?

The MyPublication process begins when your accepted article is scheduled for production. No action is required on your part until you receive an email notification from Springer. When you receive this email, click on the link provided to access the necessary webpages.

  1. On the first page select the name of the university/institute you are affiliated with. If your institute is not listed in the dropdown menu, please choose “custom” and enter the name of the institute/university.
  2. On the second page, choose whether you want Open Choice or standard transfer of copyright. More information about Open Choice
  3. If you don’t want to opt for Open Choice, please select “I don’t want Open Choice” and proceed to the next stage: “Copyright Transfer Statement.”
  4. Please read the terms and conditions carefully on this page, and once you have done so, select “I agree” or “I am not allowed.”
  5. On the next page, please specify your preferences for offprints and color figures.
  6. Fill out your complete shipping address.
  7. On the next page, confirm your order by checking the box for “terms and conditions” and clicking on “Send order.”

Once this step has been completed, your order will be processed and your article will go into production. You will receive a confirmation email for your order (and, if you selected this option, also for the Copyright Transfer Statement).

Is Springer NIH compliant?

Yes, Springer is compliant with the NIH regulations.

What happens if I don’t respond to the MyPublication email on time?

You will receive a reminder after a few days. We will process your article as soon as we have received the necessary information from you, and your proofs will be sent to you once the MyPublication process has been completed.

What do I do if I have changes to the content of my article once the MyPublication process has commenced?

You will still be able to make changes during the proof process, which starts after you have completed the MyPublication process.

Why do I still get reminder emails even though I have filled out the online forms?

Although you might have filled out the online form, there are still some fields with incomplete information. Please re-check and complete the form, check the box for “Terms and Conditions” and click on “Send Order.” After this step, the order is complete and your article is ready for typesetting.

I still get reminders that I have to complete the online procedure.

Please make sure that you continue the process until you see the following message on your screen: “Dear Author, Thank you for your order, a confirmation will be sent to you by email,” and that you have received an email which confirms the finalization of the process.

When can I expect my page proofs?

You will receive your page proofs approximately 2 weeks after finishing the MyPublication process. Please make sure you completely fill in ALL required fields (Open Choice, color images, offprints, posters). Your paper will then be released into the system and the paper will be typeset. You will receive PDF proofs of your paper shortly thereafter. At that time you will have the opportunity to submit your corrections to the typesetter.

Once I have completed the MyPublication process, can I track the production status of my article online?

Yes. As a corresponding author you will be able to track the status of your article via your personal account, once your article has been accepted to one of our journals. Please go to “MY SPRINGER” and select “Article Tracking”. Log in here to start tracking your articles!

The language of the web pages is not English. What should I do?

Please click on the link provided in the first mail you received from us, confirming that your article has gone to production. In the top right-hand corner beside “MyPublication,” please select your country/region from the dropdown menu - the problem should then be solved.

I have problems opening the webpage after entering my affiliation. How can I proceed?

The problem is caused by cookies that are blocked on your system. Here’s a quick guide to enabling cookies:

1. If you are using Internet Explorer:

Go to “Tools” on the top bar and then click on “Internet Options.” Under “Privacy” adjust the cookie settings to allow cookies.

2. If you are using Firefox:

Go to “Extras” on the top bar and then choose “Settings > Data Security > Accept cookies”.

Once you’ve allowed cookies for, please complete the information requested in the author online form. The problem should then be solved.

Can I pay by any means other than credit card?

We regret that credit card payment is currently the only means of international payment for ordering offprints and color in print.

If you selected Open Choice, we provide a combined billing option for all ordered items.

How do I change my shipping address?

You can change your shipping address as follows:

  1. Click on the link that was originally sent to you.
  2. Click on the “change” button next to “Your shipping address.”
  3. Update your address and click on “submit.”
I have problems entering my shipping address - Can you help?

It is possible that our address fields may not accommodate longer addresses containing many details. If that’s the case, then please use the fields available and “bundle” details by using a separating comma.

If the field length does not allow you to enter all the necessary characters, please use abbreviations which are commonly accepted for postal delivery in your country.

After entering my shipping / billing address, the system tells me that another account with the same username is already in use. What should I do?

You may have replaced the email stated in the username field with another email address. This automatically filled email field serves as your unique identifier for the system. Please click the “back” button in your browser window to automatically refill the username field with the original information. If this doesn’t help, please cancel the process, close the window and click on the link in the welcome mail in order to restart the process.

If the link has already expired (time limit: 7 days), please contact our help desk.

How do I change my account details?

After having clicked the link provided in the email, please click the button titled “MY SPRINGER.” There you can change all of your account details. After having changed your address, please use the link from the email again to go back to the “MyPublication” pages.

My name is spelled incorrectly in the article – How can I change that?

At the proof stage, you can indicate any changes that you would like to have made. The typesetter carries out corrections before an article is published online. Please note: after publication, changes are no longer possible.

The co-authors are not mentioned in the online form

Only the corresponding author receives an e-mail notification to complete the online procedure Nevertheless, the name of the co-author is not lost; he or she simply does not receive this notification.

Please also note that (if applicable) the corresponding author is transferring the copyright on behalf of the others.

I have already received my proofs – am I still allowed to change my order?

Once you’ve received the proof, the only possible changes to your MyPublication order are the numbers of paid offprints and the billing/shipping address. These changes can be made via the link in your order confirmation email. Please also read our FAQs regarding offprints.

When I click on the back button in the browser, the previous page cannot be found. What should I do?

Every page that is shown during the “MyPublication” procedure is personally created for the organizational and administrative issues concerning your article. This dynamic process sometimes does not allow you to return to a previous page.

Please cancel the process, close the window and click on the link in the welcome mail in order to start the process again.

If the link has already expired because of the time limit (7 days), please contact our help desk.

After completing the MyPublication process, Springer notified me of my 40% discount on Springer books. How does it work?

Your discount is valid for all online orders, not only once but as many times as you’d like to order. This special privilege is assigned to your username and password – so simply log in to and start browsing! Every time you purchase a book, your discount will be deducted from the total sum. Please note that the discount is valid only for books in English.

Can I share my electronic offprint with others?

Authors have the right to disseminate (also by email) the PDF eOffprint of their journal article to research colleagues (for personal use by such colleagues).

I do not want to receive promotional emails from

As a journal contributor you are entitled to a 40% discount on books in English. This discount has been assigned to your profile in conjunction with the MyPublication process and the discount email simply serves to notify you of this offer. However, that does not mean you will receive promotional emails from Springer on a regular basis, only further notifications when your article is Online First and when it has been assigned to an issue.

If you wish to be exempted from the tracking of user activities on you can do so using the Privacy Statement form.