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Latest Research News

  • Improving tuneability in optical differentiation

    New York | Heidelberg, 23 August 2024
    By considering waves which propagate through sample surfaces as light interacts with them, a new technique could make it easier for researchers to create real-time images of microscopic samples.

  • How did the COVID pandemic end so abruptly?

    New York | Heidelberg, 21 August 2024
    New analysis suggests that a dramatic drop in deaths from COVID-19 between 2022 and 2023 could be attributed to an abrupt phase transition in the molecular structure of the virus’ spike protein.

  • Scheduling meetings: Are the odds in your favour?

    New York | Heidelberg, 14 August 2024
    The results of an exploration of the mathematical theory behind Doodle polls that began in jest may be applicable to many other situations that require consensus-building.